Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr Birthday Actions
In accordance with IMAC's mission of "bringing together communities of faith with the purpose of awakening our nation's leaders to their moral obligation of taking urgent action on climate change, we hold an annual action on January 15th to mark the birthday of Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.
We honor Dr. King by focusing on the
urgency of the climate crisis in the context of social, economic, and racial justice as a moral imperative, and by working to deepen a public awareness of the complicity of those living in the United States for current climate conditions and threats globally
In accordance with IMAC's mission of "bringing together communities of faith with the purpose of awakening our nation's leaders to their moral obligation of taking urgent action on climate change, we hold an annual action on January 15th to mark the birthday of Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.
We honor Dr. King by focusing on the
urgency of the climate crisis in the context of social, economic, and racial justice as a moral imperative, and by working to deepen a public awareness of the complicity of those living in the United States for current climate conditions and threats globally