Honorable mention
IMAC is profoundly grateful to all of the the groups and individuals who, guided by the moral imperative to act, take decisive action to address the climate crisis. We are especially heartened and encouraged by the following bold actions:
“I am a scientist because I am a Christian, and with that comes a commitment to use my knowledge of science to honor God as a creator. There is a real directive from Scripture to care for the earth and when we see evidence of degradation, which we see with climate change, Scripture commands us to speak up and work against that degradation.”
- July 1, 2013 - The 29th General Synod of the United Church of Christ overwhelmingly adopted a Resolution urging divestment from fossil fuel companies and other strategies to combat climate change. (Read full Resolution here.)
- July 10, 2013: More than 200 leading Evangelical Scientists wrote to Congress urging that steps be taken immediately to address the climate crisis. (See full text of the letter here.) One of the cosigners, Dr. Calvin DeWitt, Professor Emeritus of Environmental Studies, University of Wisconsin-Madison, offered this reflection:
“I am a scientist because I am a Christian, and with that comes a commitment to use my knowledge of science to honor God as a creator. There is a real directive from Scripture to care for the earth and when we see evidence of degradation, which we see with climate change, Scripture commands us to speak up and work against that degradation.”