Change In Town Music by R.Miranda
Monday. June 15th
12:15 pm- 2:00pm
*See Details Below
Closest Metro Stop:
Smithsonian - Take the Mall Exit
Join us for a demonstration, calling on the Smithsonian to:
- Cut its ties with the fossil fuel industry and funders of climate denial, as called for by leading scientists
- Kick David Koch off its AdvIsory Board, as called for by more than 400,000 people in a Petition we'll present. Sign the Petition Here
- "Fix it or Take It Down!" The climate theme of the Koch-funded Hall of Human Origins exhibit in the Museum of Natural History must be corrected so that it tells the truth about the role fossil fuels play in the climate crisis.
Action Details:
- 12:15 pm - Gather at the carousel across from the Smithsonian Castle - where the Smithsonian Board of Regents will be meeting
- 12:30 - 12:50 pm - Picket line / demo outside of the board meeting at the Castle. We'll be just outside the room where the Board of Regents oard meets.
- 12:50 - 1:10 pm - Walking procession from the Castle to the Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History
- 1:10 - 2:00 pm - Press conference and rally outside of the Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History